This Site
A short note on the tools used to construct this site can be found here.
I wrote Maldini, a citation and bibliography plugin for Nesta. It allows citations and reference lists to be automatically generated from BibTeX files, using a syntax analogous to the commands used for the same purpose in LaTeX. For more information, see here.
- My 12,500+ entry BibTeX bibliography is available here.
- Here are three Applescripts for use with BibDesk. Install by placing them in
~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/Scripts
, which makes them available in the BibDesk Scripts menu. Each applies to the selected Bibdesk entry only.- Transform DOI fields to URL fields.
- Transform Title and Booktitle fields to title case. You will need to edit the script to point it to wherever you have placed this script, on which it relies.
- Convert Unicode special characters to LaTeX escape sequences. Operates on fields Title, Booktitle, Publisher, Author, Editor, and Address. You will need to edit the script to point it to wherever you have placed this script, on which it relies.
I use TextMate for editing Pandoc files, LaTeX for typesetting them, BibDesk for bibliography management, biblatex for bibliographic typesetting, and Git for version control. The vc LaTeX package can be used to embed Git version information into PDFs, as for example in my CV (see the very end).
Tools I find useful: Coherent PDF Tools, Cyberduck, Detexify, f.lux, GitHub for Mac, Obsidian, Skim, Solarized.